How To Grow Talent

Show them how the work is done.

Ask them what they saw.

Praise them for what they recognized and describe what they didn’t.


Tell them how the work is done.

You do some and they watch you, and they do some and you watch them.

Ask them what they felt and what questions they have.

Praise them for their openness and answer their questions.


Ask them how the work should be done and listen.

Praise them for their insights and suggest alternative approaches for consideration.

Together, choose the approach and they do the work.  You check in as needed.

Ask them how they felt while doing the work and ask if they have questions.

Praise them for sharing; validate their feelings; and answer their questions.


Ask them to do the work.

They choose the approach and do the work.  You do something else but stay close.

If they ask questions, answer them.

Check in with them after the work is done, but they own the agenda.


Ask them what work should be done next and listen.

Acknowledge their discomfort and tell them it’s supposed to feel like that.

They choose the work; they choose the approach; and you stay away.

If they ask questions, answer with more questions so they can work it out on their own.

Check in with them after the work is done, but make it a social visit because they’re pros now.

Image credit – skyseeker

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Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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