Archive for November, 2021

Making Time To Give Thanks

The pandemic has taken much from us, but we’re still here.  We have each other, and that’s something we can be thankful for.

But going forward, what will you do? Will you worry about making the right choice, or will you be thankful you have a choice? Or maybe both?

When things don’t go according to your arbitrarily set expectations, will you judge yourself negatively? Or will you give yourself some self-love and be okay with things as they are? Will you be angry that the universe didn’t bend to your will or will thankful that you have an opportunity to give it another try tomorrow? Or maybe a little of both?

When you see someone struggling, what will you do? Will you play the zero-sum game and save all your resources for yourself? Or will you be thankful for what you have and give some of your emotional energy to someone who is having a hard day? I don’t think Thanksgiving is a zero-sum game, but no need to take my word for it.  What’s wrong with running your own experiment? You may find that by spending a little you’ll get a lot more in return.

Everything is a little harder these days. This is real and natural. We’ve been through a lot together. Last year we did everything we could just to keep our heads above water. We worked harder than ever just to break even.  We’re worn down and yet there seems to be no relief in sight.  And now, the not-so-subtle economic forces will push us to dismiss our tiredness and try to convince us to strive for improvements and productivity on all fronts. Where are the thanks in all that?

As people that care, we can give thanks.  We can thank the people who gave us everything they had.  Of course, their work wasn’t perfect (it never is), but they held it together and they made it happen. They deserve our thanks.  A short phone call will do, and so will a short text.  And for the people that gave everything they had and couldn’t hold it together, they deserve our thanks more than anyone.  They gave so much to others that they had nothing in reserve for themselves.  They deserve our thanks, and we are just the people to give it to them.

What we were able to pull off last year is amazing. And that’s something we can be thankful for.  So, give yourself thanks and feel good about it.  And, if you have anything left in your tank, think about those special people that gave too much and paid the price.  They need your thanks, too.  And, remember, a short phone call or text is all it takes to give thanks.

Next year will be difficult. The world will ask us to step it up, even though we’re not ready.  We’ll be asked to do more, even though our emotional gas tanks are empty. Let’s help each other get ready for next year by giving thanks to each other.  Why not reach out to three to five people who made a difference over the last year and thank them?

And, remember, all it takes to give thanks is a short phone call or text.

Happy Thanksgiving.

“Two Hands Making a Heart with Sunset in Background” by Image Catalog is marked with CC0 1.0

When you decide you have enough, the right work WILL happen.

If you are happy with what you have, others have no power over you.

If you don’t want more, you call the shots.

If you have nothing to prove, no one can manipulate you.

If you have enough, the lure of more cannot pull you off the path of what you think is right.

If you don’t need approval from others, you can do what you think is right.

If you know what’s important to you, you can choose the path forward.

If you know who you are, so does everyone else.

If you know who you are, you don’t care what others think of you.

When you don’t care about what others think about you, you can do the right work.

When you can do the right work in the right way, you are impervious to influence.

When you are impervious to influence, the right work happens, despite the displeasure of the Status Quo.

 Anne Ruthmann is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

If you want to understand innovation, understand novelty.

If you want to get innovation right, focus on novelty.

Novelty is the difference between how things are today and how they might be tomorrow.  And that comparison calibrates tomorrow’s idea within the context of how things are today.  And that makes all the difference. When you can define how something is novel, you have an objective measure of things.

How is it different than what you did last time?  If you don’t know, either you don’t know what you did last time or you don’t know the grounding principle of your new idea. Usually, it’s a little of the former and a whole lot of the latter.  And if you don’t know how it’s different, you can’t learn how potential customers will react to the novelty.  In fact, if you don’t know how it’s different, you can’t even decide who are the right potential customers.

A new idea can be novel in unique ways to different customer segments and it can be novel in opposite ways to intermediaries or other partners in the business model.  A customer can see the novelty as something that will make them more profitable and an intermediary can see that same novelty as something that will reduce their influence with the customer and lead to their irrelevance.  And, they’ll both be right.

Novelty is in the eye of the beholder, so you better look at it from their perspective.

Like with hot sauce, novelty comes in a range of flavors and heat levels.  Some novelty adds a gentle smokey flavor to your favorite meal and makes you smile while the ghost pepper variety singes your palate and causes you to lose interest in the very meal you grew up on.  With novelty, there is no singular level of Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) that is best.  You’ve got to match the heat with the situation.  Is it time to improve things a bit with a smokey, yet subtle, chipotle? Or, is it time to submerge things in pure capsaicin and blow the roof off?  The good news is the bad news – it’s your choice.

With novelty, you can choose subtle or spicy.  Choose wisely.

And like with hot sauce, novelty doesn’t always mix well with everything else on the plate. At the picnic, when you load your plate with chicken wings, pork ribs, and apple pie, it’s best to keep the hot sauce away from the apple pie.  Said more strongly, with novelty, it’s best to use separate plates.  Separate the teams – one team to do heavy novelty work, the disruptive work, to obsolete the status quo, and a separate team to the lighter novelty work, the continuous improvement work, to enhance the existing offering.

Like with hot sauce, different people have different tolerance levels for novelty. For a given novelty level, one person can be excited while another can be scared.  And both are right.  There’s no sense in trying to change a person’s tolerance for novelty, they either like it or they don’t.  Instead of trying to teach them to how to enjoy the hottest hot sauce, it’s far more effective to choose people for the project whose tolerance for novelty is in line with the level of novelty required by the project.

Some people like habanero hot sauce, and some don’t.  And it’s the same with novelty.

What’s in the way of taking care of yourself?

When there’s nothing left in your tank, what do you do?  When it’s difficult for you to keep your head above water, what do you do? When you see people who need help, do you spend your energy to help them or do you preserve your energy for yourself?

If no one at your company has the energy to spare, what are the consequences? If a small problem isn’t solved quickly, might it snowball into something unmanageable? If a series of unsolved problems develop into a series of avalanches, couldn’t that change the character of your company? If everyone at your company is out of gas, what does that say?

If your calendar is full of standing meetings, you have no time for deep work.  But, if your calendar has free space, that gives others the opportunity to fill your calendar with their priorities.  Is it okay to say no to a meeting? Is it okay to preserve time for deep thought? Is it okay to cancel the whole meeting series for a standing meeting? What would it mean to your mental health if you deleted standing meetings and freed up six hours per week? What would it mean to the quality of your work?  Might you even get to do the foundational work that is vital to next year’s success?

What would it mean if you could create a four-hour block of uninterrupted time that recurred wice per week? What could you accomplish in those two luscious time blocks? How many problems could you avoid? How many cross-team relationships could build? How much could you learn from researching the state-of-the-art? How much could you accelerate your projects? How many young people could you help?

What’s in the way of canceling some meetings? Is your mental health worth it? What’s in the way of scheduling a four-hour meeting with yourself twice a week? Is your work important enough? What’s in the way of stopping work at a reasonable time so you can get your personal things done, get some exercise, and spend time with your family? What would your company think if you took care of yourself and had some energy to spare for others?

What’s in the way of taking care of yourself?

“Toe Art…Concern & Care” by VinothChandar is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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